Welcome to the Freeport Homeowners Association

Your Association Manager
For the use and benefit of all owners and residents in Freeport your Association Manager can be reached at FRE@harborbay.org or 510-865-3363, ext. 358.
Maintenance Work Order Request
Click below to submit a maintenance work order request for items in the common area.
Association Maintenance Responsibility
Front yard maintenance is the responsibility of the association in accordance with CC&Rs article 5.1.1. However, if an owner desires to make a change that would not increase the Association’s cost to maintain, the owner may submit an Architectural Application. Upon receiving approval, the owner may make the change.
Exterior Modifications
Exterior Modification requires the prior approval of the Architectural Committee. You will need to complete an Architectural Application and obtain approval before work may commence. Check the Architectural Review Process section of this website for more information. Please refer to CC&Rs, Article, and consult the Freeport Architectural & Landscape Guidelines.
Freeport has a small park and playground on McDonnel Road for families to enjoy.
Permit Parking
Freeport Parking Permit Application
Residents of the Freeport Association may obtain permits for parking on Freeport’s private streets by providing the above application, proof of residency, and ownership of vehicle(s).
Permits are required to park on Freeport streets between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Acceptable proof of residency and ownership of vehicle(s) are as follows:
- Valid government picture ID showing Freeport address, such as driver’s license.
- Current vehicle registration showing Freeport address.
- If the vehicle is registered to the Freeport address, but is not registered in the name of the Freeport resident, the resident must provide a copy of the registered owner’s valid picture ID, and a signed letter stating that the resident has the right to use the vehicle.
Please list all vehicles which require permits on your application.
Please note it may take two to three weeks to process permits.
Visitor permits may be obtained by residents by mail or in person.
Both resident and visitor permits must be visibly hung on rear view mirror. Any vehicle parked on Freeport streets without a visible permit between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays will be towed without notice at the owner’s expense.
General Parking Information
Parking within Freeport is limited. Both sides of Orr Road are NO PARKING; FIRE LANES. Please observe all parking regulations, and refrain from parking in front of mailboxes to facilitate mail delivery between 10 AM and 4 PM. Also on Mondays, please do not park on the street at the end of Britt Court as ACI will not pick up the trash if there are cars out there.
The speed limit in Freeport is 15 miles per hour. Residents and guests are requested to stay within the speed limit for the safety of residents, guests and animals.
Please control your pets so they don’t disturb your neighbors. Barking dogs violate the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda if they do so for more than 10 minutes.
Standing Committees
• Community/Social Relations Committee
• Gulls Call
• Landscape Committee
• Project Architectural Committee (PAC)
If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact your Association Manager.
Board Meeting Schedule
The Board meets at 6:30 PM on the 2nd Thursday of every other month, starting in January. Check the calendar for updated agendas and meeting codes. The Annual Membership Meeting is held in May.
Your Dedicated Board Members
Position | Member | Term |
President | Brian Tremper | 05/2023 |
Vice President | Kelly Gordon | 05/2024 |
Secretary | Gemma Lim | 05/2023 |
Treasurer | Cullen Lim | 05/2023 |
Member at Large | Edward Sing | 05/2024 |
Association Documents
Freeport Rules & Regulations
Alternative & Internal Dispute Resolution
California Association of Community Managers (CACM) Code of Ethics
Davis-Stirling Information
Election & Voting Rules
Open Meeting Act
Register for Automatic Deductions Form
Cancel Automatic Deductions Form
Additional Freeport documents can be found in the Members Only section.