Welcome to Clipper Cove Homeowners Association

Your Association Manager
For the use and benefit of all owners and residents in Clipper Cove your Association Manager can be reached at CCV@harborbay.org or 510-865-3363, ext. 358.
Maintenance Work Order Request
Click below to submit a maintenance work order request for items in the common area.
Association Maintenance Responsibility
Maintenance responsibilities include maintenance of all common area landscape areas including the curb strip areas owned by the City of Alameda. Other responsibilities include lighting in the parks, tot lot play equipment, benches, bike/walking paths in the park, along sections of the lagoon and in other various common areas. Unique to Clipper Cove, Association owners fund the maintenance of the front yard landscape and irrigation even though the plant materials belong to the owner. Lagoon lot owners are responsible for their retaining walls and docks.
The Association has an active Landscape/Project Architectural Committee (PAC) that works with the Community Architectural Committee (CAC) to review and approve applications submitted by Clipper Cove owners for improvements to their property. For more information, check the Architectural Review Process section of this website and the Clipper Cove Architectural Guidelines and Rules and Standards. Approval is required before work may commence.
Trash Pick Up
Individual unit trash pick-up is the responsibility of each resident.
Park your car in your garage, rather than in the driveway or on the street. This allows a clear street for early morning City street sweeping, less chance for vehicle accidents, parking for your visitors and a generally more attractive Association.
Standing Committees
Standing Committees
• Landscape/Project Architectural Committee (PAC)
Owners are encouraged to volunteer to serve on a committee. If you are interested, please contact your Association Manager at the Community Offices.
Board Meeting Schedule
The Board meets at 5:30 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, except August and December, 10 times per year. Agendas are posted here and at the Community Offices prior to the meetings, or call 865-3363 for current meeting dates. The Annual Membership Meeting is held each February. Meeting dates are listed in the quarterly Gull’s Call magazine.
Your Dedicated Board Members
Position | Member | Term |
President | Edward Atkinson | 02/2025 |
1st Vice President | Laurel Pantel | 02/2024 |
2nd Vice President | David Friedlander | 02/2024 |
Secretary | Cathy Sherrer | 02/2025 |
Treasurer | Jeff Franco | 02/2024 |
Association Documents
Clipper Cove Architectural Rules
Alternative & Internal Dispute Resolution
California Association of Community Managers (CACM) Code of Ethics
Davis-Stirling Information
Election & Voting Rules
Open Meeting Act
Register for Automatic Deductions Form
Cancel Automatic Deductions Form
Additional Clipper Cove documents can be found in the Members Only section.