
Cantamar is a Planned Development comprised of 127 single-family homes. Each homeowner in a planned community is responsible for maintaining his yard in good condition to commensurate with the standards of quality established for the community.
Your Association Manager
For the use and benefit of all owners and residents in Cantamar your Association Manager can be reached at or 510-865-3363, ext. 355.
Maintenance Work Order Request
Click below to submit a maintenance work order request for items in the common area.
Association Maintenance Responsibility
Maintenance responsibilities include all common areas (parks, private roads, walkways, etc.) within the community. The Association assesses its members to fund insurance, maintenance, operations and reserves. Please note that all homeowners and rental residents (if any) are responsible for observing both the Cantamar Association Architectural Guidelines and the Community Architectural Committee (CAC) Rules and Standards.
Exterior Modifications
Exterior Modification requires the prior approval of the Architectural Committee. An Architectural Application must be submitted and approved in writing by the CAC before work may commence. For more information, consult the Architectural Review Process and the Cantamar Architectural and Landscape Guidelines.
Trash Pickup
Individual unit trash pick-up is the responsibility of each resident and containers must be stored so they are not visible from the street.
Park your car in your garage, rather than in the driveway or on the street. This allows a clear street for early morning City street sweeping, less chance for vehicle accidents, parking for your visitors and a generally more attractive Association.
Please control your pets so they don’t disturb your neighbors. Barking dogs violate the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda, if they do so for longer than 10 minutes.
Standing Committees
- Architectural
- Landscape
- The Gull’s Call
Board Meeting Schedule
The Board meets at 6:30 PM quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month, starting in March in the Community Center. If you wish to attend, please call the Community Offices at 865-3363 for details. The Annual Membership Meeting is held in September.
Your Dedicated Board Members
Position | Member | Term |
President | Kerwin Allen | 5/2025 |
1st Vice President | Diana Villegas | 5/2026 |
2nd Vice President | Wendy Fong | 5/2026 |
Treasurer | Barbara Caufield | 5/2025 |
Secretary | Karen Armes | 5/2026 |
Association Documents
Canatamar Association Architectural Guidelines
Alternative & Internal Dispute Resolution
California Association of Community Managers (CACM) Code of Ethics
Davis-Stirling Information
Election Rules
Open Meeting Act
Register for Automatic Deductions Form
Cancel Automatic Deductions Form
Additional Cantamar documents can be found in the Members Only section.