February 16, 2018

Thank you for CHBIOA’s recent feedback on City priorities. We value Alameda’s quality of life and wanted to hear from residents regarding nearly $300 million in infrastructure needs that are above and beyond current and projected funding. To hear from as many community members as possible, we conducted polling by phone, produced a survey by mail, conducted presentations to dozens of community groups and civic organizations, published an online survey, posted about the survey on social media, and published a press release regarding the survey that was covered by the local media. More than 3,500 Alamedans joined the conversation and shared their priorities. The top five responses were: 1) improving traffic safety/flow, 2) repairing potholes and sidewalks, 3) maintaining City streets, 4) maintaining/repairing public storm drains to prevent flooding/keep pollution out of the Bay, and 5) disaster preparedness.

As a result of this feedback, staff is recommending the Alameda City Council place a $95 million general obligation bond on the June 5, 2018 ballot. To allow Alameda voters to decide on this measure in June, a supermajority vote of the City Council (four of five members) is required. If the Council places this measure on the ballot, it will then require a two-thirds vote of the people for the measure to pass. If the measure passes, the City of Alameda would tackle a significant amount of unfunded infrastructure needs that are consistent with the priorities identified in our outreach: clean water and Bay; safe, clean parks; traffic safety/congestion management; and disaster preparedness.

Item 6-A on the City Council agenda for February 20, 2018 is here. It is a presentation by staff to the Council regarding the City’s infrastructure needs and staff’s recommendation to place a bond measure on the ballot. The City Council is not voting to support or oppose this measure, simply to place the measure on the June ballot for voters to consider. Exhibit 1 in the staff report outlines a list of clean water, street repair, and disaster preparedness infrastructure needs. If approved by Alameda voters, property owners can expect an average levy of $23 per $100,000 of assessed value per year. At the same time, individuals may benefit, as Californians pay an estimated $800 per year in repairs required by potholes and poorly maintained streets and roads.

Thank you for your participation, and we will continue to keep you updated as we develop our plan to address the City’s most critical infrastructure needs.

Liam Garland
Director, Public Works
City of Alameda